Successful College Essays Guarantee the Entrance to College
Successful college Essays are one of the important deciding factors in the selection of a student to a college. When the student applies for the college most of the other factors such as GMAT, SAT and AL scores are already decided. Therefore the college essay my be the last chance the student gets to prove that he/she is a worthy addition to the student body of the college or university he/she is applying for. The student must understand that it is her/his responsibility to throw all the available resources and enlist all every possible help to submit the best possible admission essay.
Purpose of a Successful College Essay
From the student’s viewpoint, Purpose of a Successful college Essays is to gain entrance to the college. But to achieve this student shall know the purpose from the view point of the selection authorities. The selection of suitable students by going through the applications, reading the admission essays and sometimes interviewing the candidates is the duty entrusted to the admission committees. Mainly the faculty members and academic staff from various departments serve in the admission committees. The mindset and the outlook of the admission committees differ from college to college. Studying about the college, its history and traditions may help the student in forming an opinion on their viewpoint.
How Admission Essay Helps the Admission Committee
The college entrance essay is written on a topic given by the college or as an answer to a college essay question. These topics and the questions are designed to extract the information that cannot be obtained from the application or by a simple questionnaire. The selection of the topic by the student itself helps the committee to know about the student’s way of choosing, preferences and likings. Then what he/she writes in the essay gives a good insight to the committee about the student’s characteristic traits, his/her attitudes and the things he/she likes etc. Successful college Essays shall give the information that increases the chances for students’ admission.
College Essay Topics and Essay Questions
Students shall start writing the college essay only after gaining a good knowledge of how to write an essay that can raise their chances of getting selected. They can read and study admission essay examples and shall study about the essay topics that are given for the essays. Here are some essay topics and questions from previous years.
1. What is your favorite quotation and why?
2. Please complete a one-page personal statement and submit it with your
application. (James Madison University)
3. Discuss some issue of personal, local, or national concern and its
importance to you. (Hood)
4. What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you
to contribute to the University community? (Florida State)
5. Pick a story of local, national, or international importance from the front
page of any newspaper. Identify your source and give the date the article
appeared. Then use your sense of humor, sense of outrage, sense of justice—or
just plain good sense—to explain why the story engages your attention.
(University of Chicago)
Getting Essay Help to Gain Admission
College admission essay plays a very significant role in the admission processes at most of the colleges. Therefore students must strive to submit the best possible essay they can. Getting essay help improves the quality of the essay. You may seek it from a friend or a college. It can also come from a professional writing service.