Grad School Admission Essay can Decide the Course of Your Life
Grad School Admission Essay can be a deciding factor in your life. In prestigious and highly selective graduate schools offering degrees in various disciplines, the acceptance rates can be as low as 15 percent. The stiff competition means most of the students hoping to earn a higher degree cannot enter the grad school of their choice and have to be content with a degree from a lower ranking institution or drop the idea of a Master’s or a Doctorate. Not having a second degree hinders the career prospects for any ambitious young person. As the admission essay is a crucial factor in the admission process to the grad school it is a powerful deciding factor in your life.
Purpose of Grad School Admission Essay
For the graduate schools, grad school admission essay is a tool that helps them to select the required number of students out of the many applications received. The selection committees judge the student’s character, talents, personality traits, preferences and opinions on tolerance, culture, education etc. through the content presented in this essay. For the students this may be an opportunity to present their best face to the selection committee. Your chance of getting selected from among many applicants lie, most definitely in the way you present yourself in the graduate school essay.
Select a Topic that Helps to Boost Your Image
The usual practice in many graduate schools is to give a list of essay prompts from which students select one prompt to answer. The students have to make a self assessment before selecting the essay prompt and selecting a good topic. By making an assessment, students can decide on the best picture that they can show to the committee. They will find the attributes that are relevant to the program and can be best showcased. If you are applying to a Business School why don’t you write about the success of the fund raising campaign you organized as the president of the Youth Club?
Writing a Good Grad School Admission Essay
To write a good Grad School Admission Essay students have to know what to write as well as what not to write.
Write about:
• Incidents and events that show your good character traits relevant to the
program and helpful to continue and complete your degree program.
• The successes you have achieved in education, sports or social life.
• Your leadership, competitiveness, kindness and courage.
• Controversial issues: Your aim in writing the essay is to get admission to
the grad school.
• Writing about you directly: Use an event or a story that can highlight your
suitability in a subtle way.
• Political and religious topics: These are very sensitive subjects for many
people. You may offend the feelings of a member of the committee
Get Help to Submit the Best Possible Grad School Essay
Grad school essay is so important that student shall put forth all their efforts to submit the best possible admission essay. Getting help from knowledgeable persons will enhance the quality of the essay and your chances of selection. Best help that is readily available is from professional essay writers. Select a good essay writing company that can help you write an excellent grad school admission essay and get you admitted to the Grad schools of your choice. s������