John Proctor Essay shall Examine the Character, John Proctor in the Play
John Proctor Essay has to focus more on issues than the character due to the reason that the author has not given much attention to the accuracy of the details. John Proctor is the main character in Arthur Miller’s 1953 play The Crucible. Arthur Miler wrote The Crucible as an allegory to “McCarthyism” of the 1950s. Though the events in the period of Salem witch trials and 1950s controversial congressional investigations cannot be equated, students have to see the development of the plot and the characters in the context of Arthur Miller’s interpretation.
Historical and Factual Inaccuracies about John Proctor and Salem Witch Trials
There are many inaccuracies in the play. It can be seen that some have been introduced intentionally to facilitate a story to be created. The main theme apart from the witch trials itself, is the affair between John Proctor and Abigail Williams. Miller has raised the actual age of Abigail from 11 years to 18 years. Further he has portrayed Proctor as a 35 year old farmer while the records show that Proctor was a 60 year old tavern owner. There are many such inaccuracies identified and cited by critics and the play has to be considered as partly fiction. Therefore the students should not delve too much in to the historical facts and be confused about actual realities and the deviations in the play, when writing John Proctor Essay.
Topics for John Proctor Essays
If the students start to write the essay by forgetting the real John Proctor then Arthur miller’s portrayal of The crucible’s John proctor as a tragic hero can be discussed at length in a character analysis essay. Many argumentative essay topics can be generated out of points such as the John Proctor’s moral principles, his pride, and his dilemma about giving an untrue confession to save his life. There are many thought provoking questions that can be asked about the events in the play and the historical events during the Salem witch trials.
Portrayal of John Proctor as a Tragic Hero
In the New Jerusalem community, John Proctor was a respected person. He is portrayed as a physically strong person and weak in character. This comes from the adulterous relationship with his servant Abigail and the fact that he has broken the trust placed in him by his wife. The abuse of his servant and breaking the trust of his wife make him to be weak. But in the end he become strong and confesses his adultery disregarding the damage that makes to his reputation and refuses to sign the untrue confession regarding the practicing of witchcraft. As a result he is sentenced to death and at the end he gallantly walks to the gallows. These are some examples of the interpretations you can include in your John Proctor Essay.
Submit an Outstanding John Proctor Essay with professional Help
If students find it difficult to write a good john Proctor essay in the given time period they can get help to finish it. They may call for help from a good essay writing company. Good writing companies help students with topic selection, researching for material, providing examples, writing custom essays and editing. You can also buy essay online from a reputed writing company. Students can enlist such help and save time while improving their knowledge of proper essay writing skills.