Write the Taming of the Shrew Essay with Deep Insight of the Theme
Taming of the shrew essay is one of the very popular English essay topics for high school assignments. Taming of the shrew is a famous play written by William Shakespeare in about 1590. It has been surrounded by controversy even during the time it was written, due to the misogynistic theme. There are various theories regarding the originality of the plot as well, since some scholars and critics have cited several stories that carry similar plots. Shakespeare may have known one or more of those stories, which may have lent to the similarities. But most scholars agree that the play is not a direct adaptation of any other story although there are many old stories from different countries and era carrying similar plots.
The Plot of the Essay
Taming of the shrew has been produced by many theater groups many times over. It has adapted to films and TV in many English speaking countries. The book has been translated to all the major languages as well. The play uses the literary framing device known as induction where the play is part of another story. In Taming of the shrew is performed for a drunken tinker who is made to believe that he is a nobleman. The main female character is Katherine who is an ill-tempered headstrong young woman. The plot is woven around the courtship of Katherine and Petruchio. Petruchio transforms Katherine to an obedient wife and wins a wager placed on the obedience of the wives.
Controversial Nature of the Theme of the Play
The main theme of the play is turning an independent young woman, to a submissive wife by her husband. In the play the methods used by Petruchio are not the physical beating but mental torture. He keeps the wife hungry after preparing the best food till she agrees to his words. Finally he makes her agree to call the sun as moon. This type of misogynistic elements and the theme itself have been at the centre of controversy from the time of the writing of the play. Students writing Taming of the shrew essay can find argumentative essay topics on this aspect.
Analysis of the Characters in the Play
The main characters in the play are Katherine and Petruchio. These two characters have been vividly developed by Shakespeare through the use of situations, incidences and appropriate words in dialogue. Students can write analytical essays analyzing the characters for their Taming of the shrew essay. At the start of the play Katherine is portrayed as an ill-tempered, bad mouthed young woman who can even physically attack any man whom she dislikes. The students can examine the reasons for her behavior. Possibly she was jealous of her younger sister Bianca who gets more attention and more affection from her father and others too. Such deep probing of the characters and their nature can yield essays that are interesting and thought provoking to the reader.
Getting Help to write a Marvelous Taming of the Shrew Essay
Student that read avidly, do more research on the topic of the essay and get necessary help when required, fare a lot better than other students. This is why it is important to seek professional writing help from a good essay writing company that can guide you with advice, sample essays or custom written essays tailored to suit your own assignments.